
This is where I ramble about the things I did\think about during those times.



Recently I learnt about objectum and I've been thinking alot about it. If you don't know what objectum is, it's basically having an attraction to an inanimate object either romantically or sexually. I heard about it through someone I follow who claims to be one. At first when I heard about it, I was baffled and found the concept silly but I wanted to be more educated about the subject rather than being an ignorant. So I reached out to Someone whom I've recently met that came out as one sometime late june and asked them about how being an objectum works. Based on their point of view, People who label themselves as one treat certain objects as human beings, or atleast sentient to some extent. It primarily happens when the object or an item that the person dearly holds and love to the point that letting it go would be like letting go of a friend. my friends item that they hold dearly is a stuffed shark plush thats been accompanying with them for more than a decade! they told me that they genuinely see it as alive sometimes. from what they have told me, I can sort of understand it in some capacity. I do have my shared moments where certain items I've owned were dear to me to the point I refused to throw them away, like my grandad's ancient fujitsu computer that ran Windows XP since 2003!, I had to get rid of it in 2019 because it took so much space and my mom hates "useless junk." Yet I can't really comprehend the idea that someone can love an object so much they would gain a romantic attraction towards it. Another example I can relate sort of is that I talk to my dave & bambi plushies in my car pretending they are my kids and I would go "Fasten your seatbelt kids. your father's gonna drive like a madman!" I do it because I do have a connection to my plushies since I share a good memory of why I got them in the first place. I say sort of because my brain tells me that they are...well....inanimate. and I know that they can't listen to me or even are aware they exist. Atleast thats how I see it, everyones' brain is different afterall. Objectum made me open my mind even more and taught me that we all have a unique way of thinking and such. God bless!